Hi All! It is lovely that we can finally see the light after a year of uncertainty. There are smiles on many faces again and the restaurants here are all bustling. There is a feeling of optimism in the air.

This last year has not been easy for anyone and some have endured unimaginable tragedy. Many people I know walked around anxious, frightened and disappointed with life. Life might never be the same; but hopefully, it will offer all of us new adventures and rewards.

At the beginning of lockdown, I had major back surgery that left me bedridden for months. (Perfect timing since everyone was stuck home too!) I never would have thought that this experience would change my life for the better in so many ways. Wonderful, distant friends became an important lifeline while those I thought were close fell by the wayside. I learned what and who were important in my life as I slowed down to cherish the gifts of caring that surrounded me. My body was not moving but my mind was racing all night long reminiscing about my life’s experiences. In the middle of the night, I would grab my computer and just type whatever thoughts fell out of me. Slowly I realized that this was my soul’s purpose as I began to feel happy, fulfilled and at peace the more I wrote. Creativity and imagination helped to heal my back and my heart.

Pieces of my Pedestal, my debut romance novel, is the story of a strong woman overcoming adversity, learning to respect and love her uniqueness and climbing the pedestal.  Most importantly, she learns that some men would be threatened by her strength and instead of loving her; they would do everything possible to tear her down. In her quest for love, she attracted powerful, affluence and successful men only to be betrayed. That was until she decided to just have a sexual fling with a much younger man while waiting for Mr. Right. Little did she know, he would teach her everything about life, love and happiness!

Stay well and happy until next time!
